About us

Our Work Promise To Uphold The Trust Placed

We are committed to offering a comprehensive suite of tools and services, encompassing a holistic approach to wellness. Additionally, we will provide structured accountability checkpoints to ensure that our Protocol Implementers (PIs) continue to thrive and maintain their progress even after completing our program.






help is our main goal!

Mollitia enim! Nisi rerum sagittis lectus delectus incidunt gravida quidem, esse, similique, laudantium bibendum irure, torquent incidunt! Repellat. Urna? Sit sociosqu aperiam asperiores, modi, itaque netus malesuada fringilla iusto ab ullamco voluptates mattis magnis omnis.

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we've funded 12,503 charity projects for 25M people around the world

Board Members

Dominique Cousin


Dom’s Story

I was given a diagnosis that’s daunting for anyone to receive. Facing the challenges of an autoimmune disease, my doctor couldn’t offer a clear solution, leaving me with little hope in what seemed a permanent situation. As my condition worsened, I found myself wheelchair-bound, exhibiting 30 of the 31 known symptoms. I knew I needed a change. I delved deep into research, seeking answers through prayer and insights from medical experts’ books. What emerged was a lifestyle regimen backed by examples and evidence, effective for many autoimmune conditions. I embraced this regimen wholeheartedly, drawing on the support and encouragement of community members. This journey is a lifelong commitment, but the rewards are immense. I’ve regained my ability to run and jump, living a life that once seemed unattainable. This regimen has been my lifeline. My experience mirrors a phoenix rising from ashes, and I’m eager to share this transformative journey with you!

Nahchon Guyton

Communications and Marketing Chair

Mark Taylor

Client Services Chair

Cameron Hayes

Finance Committee Chair

Roxanne Knott

Secretary & Internal Affairs Chair

Board Members

Dominique Cousin


Dom’s Story

I was given a diagnosis that’s daunting for anyone to receive. Facing the challenges of an autoimmune disease, my doctor couldn’t offer a clear solution, leaving me with little hope in what seemed a permanent situation. As my condition worsened, I found myself wheelchair-bound, exhibiting 30 of the 31 known symptoms. I knew I needed a change. I delved deep into research, seeking answers through prayer and insights from medical experts’ books. What emerged was a lifestyle regimen backed by examples and evidence, effective for many autoimmune conditions. I embraced this regimen wholeheartedly, drawing on the support and encouragement of community members. This journey is a lifelong commitment, but the rewards are immense. I’ve regained my ability to run and jump, living a life that once seemed unattainable. This regimen has been my lifeline. My experience mirrors a phoenix rising from ashes, and I’m eager to share this transformative journey with you!

Nahchon Guyton

Communications and Marketing Chair

Mark Taylor

Client Services Chair

Roxanne Knott

Secretary & Internal Affairs Chair

Cameron Hayes

Finance Committee Chair



Donor Specialist


Vendor & Provider Relations Specialist